Ok...since I really haven't drawn anything lately, I tried to scrap up anything that I had done in the last month or so (well, about june-july). Just to get something here before I get a chance to post new stuff X'D
Beware, scaryness ahead X'D
(and just click a pic to see bigger...I'm still new to blogger so trying to figure out how stuff works X'D)
I start from the most..err..well the one with colour X'D I doubt I will never finish this...his neck is broken, poor random baby. |
a forever-project WIP of Hetalia's Spain and South Italy. agh...I actually finished the lines but ghhh...so uninspired to carry on until I get to fix the anatomy of them both agh...the composition is just...not working >;T I hope I get insp to get back to this X'3 |
Prussia from Hetalia in the clothes of Ellis from L4D2. with chick of course U3U ~ |
my OC Non...onearmed steampunk dude. it's surprisingly difficult to draw a guy without and arm X'D |
Non again. aghhhanatomy, plz be my friend OTL |
umhhh....crazy randomness from work (bored at lunch-hour) in june. Me many times (baww my old hair Q3Q). also task to all to spot 4 of my buddies and 1 co-workers. I appologies from all. X'D |
Wuuush...so....something to get started X'D I will probably scan all this weeks stuff during weekend so moar probably then hurrr~
I really dig these, and it's fun to see drawings that haven't been seen anywhere else. I really like the first one and it's color start. :3
ReplyDeleteLast one made me giggle. xD